Database Optimisation

Database Optimisation is a process used to improve the overall performance of a database, and lessen the load on the hosting server. A full database review should be carried out once every couple of years where a database administrator is not responsible.

What It Involves

There are many steps and approaches involved when improving a databases performance. Usually the first step is talking with the users and identifying the slow or painful parts of a website or application. Some things to check for when tracking down some funnels in data performance could be:Kneeling Mag Glass

  • Ensuring the correct data types are in use.
  • Verifying Referential Integrity.
  • Checking Table Indexes.
  • Appropriate use of Reference Tables.
  • Stored Procedure and View Optimisation.
  • Query Optimisation.
  • Removing Redundant Tables.
  • Combining unnecessary tables.
  • Storing Derived Data

Why It Is Done

Tape MeasureMore often than not, an ongoing user annoyance in a database application can be simple fix for a database administrator. This annoyances and slowdown in the end cost employee and businesses time and inevitably money. This is why SDC puts a large emphasis building and maintaining a database with everything optimised from the design phase right though to the deployment phase.