IT Risk Management

IT risk can be defined as any threat to your information technology, data, critical systems and business processes. An understanding of IT risk helps increase network security and increase the integrity of you valuable data.

What It Involves


  • Identifying and classifying your IT assets
    • Which servers hold your sensitive and confidential information
  • Mapping of IT assets to business processes
  • Assess the vulnerability of the IT assets
  • Determine the risk
  • Identify ways to reduce those risks
  • Prioritise risk reduction based on a strategy

What Is Produced

Once the above steps have been completed a risk management document will be produced. This document will outline the risks associated with the IT assets and will provide solutions on how to manage the risks.

Why It Is Done

Connect Wire

With a lot of businesses storing sensitive information on their servers now, the identification or risks associated with that data has become all the more important. Failure to identify, assess and mitigate IT risk can set a business up for serious security breaches, financial losses and lost data.