Requirements Analysis and Specification

Requirements analysis is the identification and documentation of the real requirements for a system or change. This is a critical step to ensure success in the development of the project.

Sitting Round TableWhat It Involves

  • Talking to the users of the proposed systems, the management team, the technical support team, and gathering information related to the current problem or project, and the requirements that emerge in relation to these.
  • Analysing and organising these requirements to check they are -
    • Clear
    • Complete
    • Unambiguous
  • Documenting these requirements in different forms -
    • Text descriptions
    • Organisation charts
    • Flowcharts
    • Drawings and mock-ups

What Is Produced

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  • A requirements specification, which is a document providing a detailed description of the issue or project, and the requirements identified to either fix it, or make it happen.
  • Depending upon the size of a project, it may range from a page or two, to a significant document, for review and authorisation by management.

Why It Is Done

Standing Mag Glass

  • As with any construction project, it is important to be able to clearly and unambiguously communicate what is required, and what is expected as a deliverable at the end.
    • So that all of the stake holders can formally agree with what is proposed.
    • So everybody is 'singing from the same sheet of music'.
    • So that management can evaluate the 'cost / benefit' of the project, to confirm it is in the organisations interests to do it, and that it has a net benefit.